Recommended Reading

Recommended Reading for Holistic Health

If you would like to do some further research on your own, I recommend these books:

Nourish: The Definitive Plant-Based Nutrition Guide for Families
by Reshma Shah M.D. M.P.H. Brenda Davis R.D.

Whole Food Plant Based Diet Cookbook for Beginners: Transition to A Healthy Lifestyle
by Amy Brylde

The New Becoming Vegetarian: The Essential Guide to a Healthy Vegetarian Diet
by Vesanto R. D. Melina, Brenda Davis

Power Foods for the Brain: An Effective 3-Step Plan to Protect Your Mind and Strengthen Your Memory
by Neal D Barnard MD MD Facc

Becoming Vegan: Comprehensive Edition: The Complete Reference on Plant-based Nutrition
by Brenda Davis Vesanto, R. D. Melina

How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease
by Gene Stone FACLM, Michael Greger M.D.